June 13, 2005

June 13, 2005

Give Mt 5:38-42

Jesus said to his disciples: "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. Give to the one who asks of you,
and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow."
Give and do not count the cost. Go beyond what is asked. "Go the extra mile."
Offer no resistance to one who is evil. This part is more difficult. I can give and be generous but there is an impulsive reaction that I have to want to do battle with evil doers. I also have trouble with turning the other cheek to one who is striking me. I need to think about this reading and how I can incorporate it better into my own personal actions and reactions.